Saturday, October 23, 2010

In the beginning...

During the second week of January, 2011, auditions will be held for participation in the HeartSong Chorale.  This is a 20 member vocal ensemble attracting musicians of any religious background who have vocal/choral training in the San Diego area.   The repertoire concentrates on the ageless, classical, sacred choral works of the “Masters” – works rarely performed in many church settings today.

Our purpose is two-fold.  First, to provide an opportunity for musicians interested in singing the pure choral sounds of the “classical” style – and second to inspire congregants of all faiths with this magnificent music.

The exact dates and time of auditions have not as yet been determined.  As soon as this determination has been made, there will be notifications on this blog.

Please spread the word – and tell anyone you think may be interest in coming to auditions.  Email a request for additional details to


  1. This is so cool! Finally I get to sing the music I love, in a spiritually enlightened environment.
